
IES Toreros Aux


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Summer Although it is technically still spring, it feels like summer already! While summer will be different this year due to COVID-19 complications you can still make the most of it. 1st of ESO: Write at least 7 sentences about either a) past summer plans 2) your dream summer vacation 3) or one of your…

Binge Watching

Let’s binge watch it together! Video link at the end of the questions, watch when directed.  1.Choose correct words in these groups of words. a)Video on COMMAND/REQUEST/DEMAND -a system for watching films or recorded programmes on the internet or TV at any time(AKA streaming). b)CAPTIONS/CREDITS/CREDENTIALS – a list of people involved in making a film…

Shakespeare and Insults

Please watch the following TEDtalk on Shakespear’s Insults and answer the following questions.  What are your opinions on Shakespeare? Is his writing easy or difficult to understand for you? Why do you think insults have been so important to colloquial language throughout spoken (and unspoken) history?  Who gives the power to insults? Why does a…

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